Mango Parfait & Food Pics

Mango Parfait

“Winter is coming” – Everyone would be rather looking for their own comfort soups, stews, etc.. This may not be the right time to post deserts, however this amazing rainbow desert attracted me from its colours to extraordinary photography when I stumbled upon our fellow blogger marylinlawson’s posts. As much as I am in love with this recipe , I believe you all will find it interesting too. Thank you so much marylinlawson for letting me reblog this recipe on my blog !!


Cook yourself slim


There are very few things that beat the sweetness of a ripe mango. When I was little and globalisation wasn’t yet a thing, we only got local fruit and veg in my region. I am from the north of Spain, so that means a really good assortment of citrus, berries, melons and watermelons, and pretty much anything that grows in my sunny land.

However things like mangoes, passion fruits and avocados where completely unknown, we didn’t even know how they looked like!


My dad on the other hand had to travel to exotic destinations for work and he brought some of those things for us to try when I was about 6 or 7. I remember that the first time I tried a Mango, I thought it tasted like “pine tree”. I was very creative describing flavours but i didn’t have any other reference. Let’s just say I wasn’t a…

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22 Comments Add yours

  1. natuurfreak says:

    De keuze die we tegenwoordig aan fruit hebben is gigantisch

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lis says:

    OOooOOOoo that looks so pretty!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh boy does this look like one fancy tasty drink😄

    Liked by 1 person

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